Quality Policy


Quality Policy

NORD CARGO is an international transport and logistics organization that is, since its establishment, engaged in the quality of the services provided.

Our basic principle is centralizing our customer with direct and personalized service on both imports and exports by land.

Our quality policy is based on the following principles:

  • Meeting the demands of our customers (minimizing incidents and ensuring the agreed delivery times)
  • Comply with applicable laws at all times
  • Comply with the agreed quality and performance requirements within our organization
  • Involve our suppliers in fulfilling our requirements
  • Guard and manage the practical application of quality by using a suitable quality structure
  • Maintain a high level of innovation in the development and delivery of our services with the aim of continuous improvement
  • Integrate environmental sustainability considerations into all our business decisions

The board of Nord Cargo is fully committed to quality, which they express by desiring that all employees and suppliers are aware of the importance of quality and putting this into practice into the entire organization.

Date : 13-02-2024
Signature : Management Nord Cargo BV